
Basic requirements:

  • R1 - Windows build only
  • R2 - Created audio manager that persists between the scenes with music and sfx sources separated - will add more sound effects in the near future
  • R3 - its a turn based 2D game with exploration on the side - I think it should run well on most of the PCs
  • R4 - Implemented a simple main menu and combat UI that should adapt to screen size. Still need to add more things to main menu and create pause menu as well as more UI for combat (status and element effects and damage numbers)
  • R5 - Used DOTween to fade when transitioning between scenes, having some objects be partly transparent when a player walks behind them. Using Cinemachine camera for exploration part of the game, so that it feels smooth.
  • R6 - Tried to have particle system in scriptable object and have preview of it, sadly it did not work.
  • R7 - New input system is used on the exploration part of the game to move the character
  • R8 - I should be using URP already... hopefully

Complex requirements:

  • C1 - Im not sure about the well constructed part, but I did use variety of tools, such as sprites, tile maps, tile rules, animated sprite, tweening etc.)
  • C3 (backup)- Almost everything that should move is animated one way or another either by using Animator Controller or by using sprite sheet animation. The exploration character movement is animated using Animator Controller through 2 simple blend trees.

Additional requirements:

  • A3 - Not used yet
  • A6 - Tweens will be mostly used for UI elements. For now tweens are used when transitioning between scenes,  health decreasesing and changing alpha component of some sprites. 
  • A10 (Backup) - Still in prototype phase

What needs to be done:

Need to add a lot more UI and its logic to combat side (status and element effects, damage numbers, elemental reactions. maybe action history?), add more variety of monsters and expand the open world. Need to restructure the architecture of the code, as having 2 scenes, each with different gameplay and different game objects was not a good idea at all. Also need a lot of polish (sound effects, music, damage numbers, hurt animations etc.). Right now its not possible to add variety of monsters to the combat due to having 2 scenes. Also re-entering the exploration scene will reset the state of the game back to the start - will have to be solved somehow.

Estimation time to finish: I dont know - I thought I turn based combat with a little exploration wont be hard, but I encountered a lot more problems than I could ever imagine. I spent about 30-40 hours, but most of the time I was rewriting a lot of code, as it was my first time using state machine and I messed up when I tried to have 2 state machines (one was for states exploration/combat and second one was for start combat/player turn/enemy turn/win/ lose). In the end there are still a lot of band-aid solutions in the code that I wasnt able to fix or didnt design the code architecture correctly. Also exploration and combat side used different logic and game objects altogether which increased the workload.

What could be added (maybe in the update patch):

  • I want to add the possibility for the players to be able to pick 4 skills from predetermined sets of skills that they could find in overworld and use it in the battle. This would increase the fun and variety both in combat and exploration side
  • Add dialogue and events in open world - as with most games, they would benefit from a story or just something that would make the players immerse themselves in the game. Having dialogue system would help the open world a lot.
  • Add more characters, enemies and skill effects - right now the combat is one on one against a monster. The possibility of using AOE attacks and having some reactions be able to spread against other enemies could make the battle more interesting. Also sadly right now there are only offensive abilities and no cleanse, heal or buffs.

What was changed in the design:

  • I think I abandoned the dialogue and event system as there are still a lot of things to fix and polish, otherwise I tried sticking to the previous design as much as possible, since its nice to have a clear goal.

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